Laser Scanning

laser scan
What is laser scanning?

A 3D Scanner is the tool used to analyse an object or physical environment to gather data on both its geometry and radiometry (shape and colour).

The data obtained is used by GMdix Process Engineering to build three-dimensional digital models.

The results of the data acquisition are point clouds, which contain very detailed information that is processed with the appropriate applications to obtain the required documentation.

How does laser scanning help us?

Learn everything that the use of this technology facilitates for the management of the industrial engineering projects that we carry out.


Survey of installations

We visit our clients’ facilities to obtain a complete scan of the plant and equipment.

Evacuation plans

Scanning allows us to obtain a complete detailed map that enables the preparation of evacuation plans in full compliance with regulations.

Virtual tours of installations

To be able to analyse the project presented, laser scanning enables the creation of 360º virtual environments of the installations

Better calculations

Laser scanning provides exact data that enables highly precise volumetric and structural calculations resulting in improvement in the performance of the plant in which we are working.
Servicio post venta

Generation of smart 3D models

Laser scanning enables development of smart 3D models.

Interference analysis for new implementations

Laser scanning facilitates analysis of interferences when carrying out a new project to prevent unforeseen events that delay work.

Deformation monitoring in parts manufacturing

Improves control over results for new constructions

Assembly simulator

Visualisation of the assembly to detect parts in contact, helping correct errors, if any.

What advantages does the use of laser scanning provide?

Use of this technology helps improve interventions for each project

Time savings
Excellent data acquisition speed.
Avoids interference and minimises downtime.
Enables faster decision-making and reduces implementation time.
Cost savings
Early detection of errors.
Minimises risks.
Reduction of contingencies and additional work.
Millimetre-precision quality control (0.5 - 2 mm)
Improved documentation quality (detailed plans, sections, 3D views, reports, etc.)
Greater support for claims, accountability, etc.

We work to improve the processes
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